27 April 2009

perbualan si comot kura2 dengan ninja boy

si comot kure2 :what will u do..if your gf ditimpa musibah..
will u juz keep quite...or u'll try to support her?
ninja boy :mesti la aku support die...she is my gf right?
si comot kure2 :if the same thing happen to me?
ninja boy :nape tanya camtu??kite kan kawan baik..of course la ninja
akan support comot jugak...
thing never happen to the si comot kure2..
is it because of si comot kure2 is only his bestfriend..not his gf..or i am the hopeless one??

the answer is in your hand mr ninja boy..

ninja boy :comot merajuk dgn ninja eh..jgn la macam ni..ninja xsengaja...
comot sepatutnye memahami ninja..bukan minta difahami..

memahami..bukan difahami..
that words hurt me even more..

si comot kure2 :kite kawan baik..jd mengapa tiap kali comot susah hati dan
dalam kesedihan ninja xpernah ade disisi comot???sms xpernah
dibalas..when i keep quite ninja kate comot merajuk..then,u
expect me to do what en ninja?

tepuk dada suruh doktor pakar bedah operate hati ek
sy ni budak Medical lab je..

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